A FREE Gift From Project:Yourself - Only 45 Units Available
Enjoy Deep, Blissful Rest Every Night With This FREE Acupoint Blissful Sleep Companion
Gently stimulates your hand’s acupoints to guide your mind and body into naturally deep sleep: just place it on your palm and prepare for drift-off…
$51.99 Value - Just Cover Shipping
  • A natural remedy to one of modern life’s biggest challenges: over 70 million Americans struggle with sleep issues and lack of sleep - and the impact on our health and happiness is immense!
  • Enjoy deep, restful sleep every night (without harmful pills or medication): many common sleep treatments come with a high cost to your health and your bank account. Our sleep companion offers a far more gentle and natural solution.
  • Gentle, soothing, and relaxing: the ergonomic device channels relaxing stimulation to your hand’s acupoints - which in turn encourage your brain to naturally and swiftly dispel sleep-blocking chemicals, emotions, and stress, so you can sleep like a baby every night.
  • A natural remedy to insomnia, headaches, fatigue, and other common sleep issues: acupoint-targeted treatment is a scientifically proven mainstay of Eastern medicine, and is used by medical professionals and healers around the world to treat various ailments.
  • Sleep better, live better: a good night’s sleep is one of the simplest ways to enhance your quality of life. It helps you boost your immunity, reverse premature aging, dissolve excess weight, and replenish your vitality so you can live at your fullest.
  • Only 45 units available: our giveaways go out to our global community, and we typically run out of stock within a day or two. Please confirm your order now to secure your free unit - we only ask that you help us with shipping & handling.
Why Are We Giving Away These Sleep Companions For FREE?
We believe humanity is in urgent need of healing, now more than ever! This curation, our sincere gift to you, is just one part of our outreach mission.

We support 200+ artisans across the world, each one as committed to our mission as we are. Upon ordering your curation, you're welcome to purchase a product from our store by claiming one of our featured discounts. Thank you for your support!
How Your Sleep Companion Works
 1. With an easy twist, choose your intensity: lighter for a more subtle stimulation, or stronger if you prefer a more vigorous effect.

2. Hold your sleep companion in your hand when you’re ready for sleep: the ergonomic egg-shaped device is smooth to the touch, and fits comfortably in your palm.

3. The soothing stimulations from your sleep companion then target your hand’s acupoints: which in turn travel to your brain, and helps it regulate your sleep-related chemicals like melatonin, endorphins, and serotonin.

3. Use your sleep companion nightly for best results: over time, your sleep companion ‘trains’ your brain to relax at bedtime - so it gets easier and easier to enjoy a good night’s sleep, every night.
Only 45 FREE Sleep Companions Available  - Claim Yours Now
You will receive 1x Acupoint Blissful Sleep Companion: a soothing device that naturally guides your mind and body into deep, restful sleep.
Product Details:
• Power supply: USB (cable included)
• Material: ABS
• Size: 39 x 65 x 36mm
• Value: $51.99, yours FREE while stocks last
Quick Shop Facts:
•  All orders are processed within one business day
•  14 day guaranteed delivery
•  100% quality and satisfaction guarantee
•  Secure ordering
Crystals are one of nature’s most powerful healers - but only when they’re the real deal. Every crystal we use is pure, authentic, and sustainably sourced. That’s the Project:Yourself promise.
Crystals are one of nature’s most powerful healers - but only when they’re the real deal. Every crystal we use is pure, authentic, and sustainably sourced. That’s the Project:Yourself promise.
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